Key Points
Ensuring Data Quality for AI in Education
It’s never too early for campus or district-wide IT teams to begin planning for upcoming tech upgrades and implementations. Because many of these upgrades happen over summer break, teams can use the upcoming spring semester to ensure their data is in A+ shape to support new AI tools.
The Importance of AI in Education
AI has already significantly impacted education by improving how students learn, teachers teach, and educational institutions operate. The World Economic Forum’s Shaping the Future of Learning: The Role of AI in Education 4.0 touches upon AI’s extensive potential, from tailored student learning experiences to reducing administrative burdens to using this innovative technology to improve curricula.
Ensuring Data Quality for AI
For campuses and districts that haven’t started their AI journeys, it’s critical to know that AI models are only as good as the data that goes into the tool. To ensure data can adequately train AI to improve education-related outcomes, consider these six strategies.
Data Quality Strategies
1. Solve for Data Anomalies
Detecting outliers in your data baseline–like observations, events, or data points that deviate from the standard–is key to optimizing AI in your educational system. Although data anomalies don’t always indicate something’s amiss, it’s wise to investigate them to be sure.
2. Automate Data Cleansing
Automated data cleansing enhances accuracy and consistency by fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset. It’s a critical step toward managing data, ensuring accuracy, and warranting trustworthiness.
3. Observe Data Quality Metrics Continuously
Identify your campus or district’s key data quality metrics to measure and improve datasets regularly. Monitoring these metrics involves assessing, measuring, and managing data for accuracy, consistency, completeness, reliability, and validity.
4. Make Data Governance Routine
Setting the rules, roles, and uses of data will help ensure that datasets are clean and accurate before being leveraged for AI. This governance of data processes upholds all teams and tools to the standard needed for successful operation.
5. Enhance Data Security
Since 2005, U.S. educational institutions have undergone 3,713 data breaches, affecting 37.6 million records. Data breaches can damage a school system’s reputation and decrease trust among students, faculty, and the community.
6. Ensure Data is Standardized
Finally, data standardization helps AI models learn patterns more effectively and consistently. It is essential for preserving data quality and allows different systems to exchange data in a consistent format.
AI can help transform school systems by adapting to each student’s learning needs and personalizing their learning experience. By automating clerical tasks, educators’ time becomes free for more hands-on instruction. It can also help to identify strengths and weaknesses in student performance, allowing educators to prepare better-targeted instructional strategies.
Q: Why is data quality important for AI in education?
A: AI models are only as good as the data that goes into the tool. Ensuring data quality is crucial for training AI to improve education-related outcomes.
Q: What are some common data anomalies that can affect AI models?
A: Outliers, incorrect data, corrupted data, duplicate data, and incomplete data can all affect AI models.
Q: How can I ensure data security in my educational institution?
A: Implement encryption, access controls, firewalls, content filters, network security, endpoint segmentation, regular backups, continuous updates, and security awareness training to ensure data security.
Q: What is data standardization, and why is it important?
A: Data standardization helps AI models learn patterns more effectively and consistently. It is essential for preserving data quality and allows different systems to exchange data in a consistent format.