The State of AI in Education: Key Findings and Insights
College Students Lead the Charge in AI Adoption
Eighty-two percent of college students have used AI...
Teacher Burnout and the Role of Artificial Intelligence
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Teachers are experiencing high levels of burnout due to various factors, including strenuous classroom management responsibilities,...
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Framing Conversations about Generative AI with Fiction
As educators (and the rest of society) struggle to frame the conversations we are having with other...
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Parents' Perspective on the Dangers and Benefits of AI in Education
While parents do have concerns about their children's exposure to AI in the...
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88 percent of enterprises are adopting AI in some capacity, but many lack the necessary data infrastructure and employee skills.
Top barriers to AI...
Educational Technology and AI Integration in Classrooms
Key Points
Educational technology and digital learning tools are essential in classrooms, with AI making its way into districts...